Search Engine Optimization


WordPress SEO

Improving your WordPress SEO is crucial for getting more traffic to your website. If you are serious about increasing your website traffic, then you need to pay attention to the WordPress SEO best practices. WP Services will improve your WordPress SEO and get more organic traffic.

You might have heard experts saying that WordPress is SEO-friendly. This is actually why a lot of people choose WordPress to start a blog or a website. While WordPress makes sure that the code it generates follows the SEO best practices, there is a lot more that needs to be done to maximize your SEO efforts.

WP Services SEO takes the necessary actionable steps to properly optimize your WordPress SEO:


Keywords are at the heart of SEO, but they’re no longer the first step to achieving organic growth. Instead, the first step is to make a list of topics you’d like your content to address. WP Services starts here. 

Long-tail keywords

This helps businesses attract people who have varying interests and concerns — and ultimately create more entry points for people interested in what you have to offer. 

Keyword pages

This will make it much easier for your prospects and customers to find you in search engines no matter what keywords they use. 


Every blog post is a new web page and an additional opportunity to rank in SERPs. If your business does not already have a blog, consider creating one.

Blogging schedule

Every blog or page you create doesn’t necessarily need to belong to a topic cluster. There’s value in writing about topics your customers care about to build authority with the Google algorithms. 


Our first 5 points dealt with on-page SEO, link-building is the process of attracting inbound links (also called backlinks) to your website from other sources on the internet.

File optimization

This is a small but important step in the SEO process, especially for mobile optimization. We utilize the best tools to compress your files without losing quality. 

Up-to-date SEO

Staying on top of current trends and best practices is an important strategy, and WP Services keeps up-to-date on changes, trends, and SEO best practices.

Track your success!

WP Services tracks your metrics and share reports so you can better understand the success of the overall process, and identify possible areas for improvement.

WP Services Creates A Strategy That Supports Your Business Goals

With a monthly SEO plan, plus our WP SEO Insights Report, we will build out and execute an efficient SEO strategy.

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