Website Content Creation


Web Content Creation

There is a misconception that just because you can write reports, marketing material or business documents, that this somehow makes you qualified to write for the web. It does not.

We have over 20 years of experience writing effective and engaging web content!

We get to know you and your target audience. We take your content to the next level, answering all your visitors "hidden" questions before they need to ask. 

Using advanced SEO techniques, we determine what your target audience is looking for and compare your content to others, extracting the best content for your website. 

What to write

When people start thinking about the content for the website, they begin by asking themselves “what do I want to say“, rather than asking themselves “what does my audience want to know“.

Although what you want to say does matter. It matters less than answering the questions your audience has about your product or service.

The fact that people are on your site means they have already expressed some interest in what you have to offer. Your job is now to address any objections or concerns they may have in the website’s content

Don't assume

Another common mistake is that we tend to write the content for our websites as if we are writing for ourselves. That is dangerous because most of those writing website content are experts in the subjects they are writing about.

The more you know about a topic, the further your perception of the subject differs from the majority of people. You make presumptions about your audience’s level of knowledge that is often not reflective of the truth.

For example, we often make the mistake of using terminology and structuring information in ways that make little sense to our audience.

Create Your Value Proposition

Creating this value proposition is always a good starting point in website content creation.

Pinpoint Your User’s Objections

Write a list of every objection a person might have that would prevent them from taking action on your website. 

Understand Your Audiences

If we know what your audience's questions are, our website content will then be much more relevant to the user’s needs.

Identify People’s Top Tasks

Top Task Analysis is an approach developed by Gerry McGovern designed to identify the tasks that a user most cares about completing on a website.

Organize Your Content Components

Website content creation is not just about writing content, it is also about organizing the content so users can find what they are looking for.

Build and Test Your Structure

Start by creating a clickable prototype, using your content structure, of your website.

Edit and Refine

Use Grammarly to correct any spelling or grammar mistakes. Read the content out loud to make sure the tone feels engaging.

Monitor and Refine

There is so much opportunity to improve your website content once the site is live, and you begin to gather real data about how people are interacting with it.

Let's Chat

Contact us today so we can discuss opportunities to make your website stand out.

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