WordPress Custom Design

Custom Web Design

Mobile First Design. As of the first quarter of 2021, 47.07 percent of web traffic in the United States originated from mobile devices, WP Services design tools take mobile design as a top priority.

Interactive Designs. Web design should be interactive in a number of different ways, WP Services strives for a delicate balance that gives users a great deal of power, without providing too many options.

Designed For You. A custom website should be unique, stylish, and designed around your colors, logos, and fonts. WP Services custom WordPress website design is built-from-scratch, for you and approved by you!


Why Choose WP Services

WP Services has a six-step design guide, from planning to support, we will help you throughout the website design process, and after.


WP Services will meet with you and discuss all your needs. We will submit our proposal based on those needs.


We design your website template or theme, including colors, fonts, and graphics customized for your design. 


WP Services develops the pages for your website, working closely with you to provide everything needed.


We will test your design, forms, and custom scripts on all devices; mobile, tablet, laptop, and desktop.


WP Services then takes your site from development to live, optimizing pages with basic Search Engine Optimization.


We are always here for support. We offer free support on our builder, and monthly support options for content.